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Micronized sulphur of selected particle size by selective aspiration, indicated as fungicidal treatment and acaricide in dusting.





  • Sulphur is an excellent element against oidium, with an inhibiting effect on mites and eriophids.
  • The particle of the micronized AFEPASA have a very broad an inhibiting effect on 40 to 70 μm, favoring improved application and foliar coverage.
  • Great fluidity and stability of the product.
  • Thanks to its particle size, it combines a shock effect with a persistent effect.
  • By blocking different physiological processes of the fungus, it acts as a multisite and does not generate resistances.
  • Less agglomeration and compaction, which can be noticed by being more homogeneousmore homogeneous on the fruit and the plant, obtaining better dosage and also avoiding the formation of aggregates.
  • Because of its formula prevents caking upon storage.



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